Module 3, Software specification
Module 3
- The specification phase involves making sure that the visual and technical structures of the service work together in a manner that facilitates effortless production of accessible code.
- Examples of the tools used include so-called wireframe models and interactive user interface prototypes.
- Helsinki Design System (HDS) provides a library component interface that must be taken into account in the specification phase.
Helsinki Design System
In terms of visual and technical design, services developed in accordance with Helsinki’s Accessibility Model follow the instructions, styles and components established in Helsinki Design System (HDS).
HDS has been developed alongside the Accessibility Model so that resources created in HDS are not repeated on this page of the model. The purpose of this is to ensure that there is only one version of each resource to maintain at a time, and that developers and designers do not have to guess which version is the most up-to-date.
The previously presented training materials feature general service design instructions. The materials also refer to HDS insofar as the HDS guidelines are particularly important in terms of accessibility. The designers must always follow the HDS instructions referred to.
Helsinki Design System | Getting Started
General instructions for service design
Frequently asked questions
Demo page:
Original version: Tero Pesonen
Created: 3 April 2021